
Friday, February 8, 2013

Why Muslims suppose to hate Valentine?

Just read from the news portal called The Malaysia Insider. It wrote ;
Federal religious authorities today warned Muslims against celebrating Valentine’s Day next week, in a message that consistently crops up annually in February, by pointing out that it could lead to pre-marital sex.
Today’s Friday sermon by the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim), read out at mosques nationwide, comes amid a campaign called “Mind the Valentine’s Day Trap” launched together with about 250 non-governmental organisations last month.
“Create a feeling of anti-Valentine’s Day in your hearts and minds, start hatred of celebrating it,” Jakim’s sermon told Muslims nationwide.

Jakim expressed its worry that Muslims celebrating the day will go dancing and organise candlelight dinners, which will then lead to “kissing in gardens” and pre-marital sex to prove their romantic loyalty. The religious department referred to an oft-quoted writing of a Ken Sweiger (sic) who allegedly said that “Valentine” was a Latin term, meaning “The Mightiest, The Strongest, and The Most Powerful”, used to exalt Nimrod and Lupercus, the deities of ancient Rome.

Jakim didn't tell the lies. Infact Jakim did its best to disallowed muslims not to celebrate Valentine.  Why celebrates the Valentine be the matter here? This question mostly pop up from many non muslims in Malaysia. In fact, non muslims in Malaysia did think that muslims in Malaysia is too overreacted against Valentine's celebration.

Let me tell you that we are the muslims not directly hate the Valentine celebration. Actually we are indirectly have to hate Valentine to directly hate the adultery.

We, the muslims hate THE RESULT of certain MUSLIMS having after they celebrated the Valentine. Free sex amongst muslims and non muslims isn't a weird thing nowadays.

The differences between Muslims and Non muslims is, the non muslims having a sex with a condom, which many muslims don't want to buy the condom because they feel shy to do so. They didn't shy when having a free sex. But to buy a condom, they are suppose to feel shy because it openly tell the seller that they wanted to having a sex. 

SERIOUSLY, you think this is the MAIN REASON?

NO. I am just playing a bit.

The main reason is some of MUSLIMS in Malaysia just don't know how to take control in everything what they are doing. If you are having a free-sex then you don't know where's the limit. You don't know how to stop. You don't know how to prevent bad cause. You don't know how to tell your parent that you are pregnant with someone baby

You don't know how to seek a help after your boyfriend don't want to responsible after what he done to you. You don't know to put your baby in baby hatch. You don't how to call your friend and asks for advice. You don't know how to say NO when your boyfriend ask you to have a sex. You don't know how to control your lust by not to go outside with your boyfriend. You don't know to learn why Allah banned adultery.

For these DON'T KNOW matter it's better for MUSLIMS not to celebrate the VALENTINE at all. If the case is between husband and wife that would be the different matter.  

Eventhough many non muslims and some muslims practise a free sex but the rate of "buang bayi" radically happens to be the muslims to what we called MELAYU.

The rate is getting high by year to year. Decrease wouldn't allowed. The rate keeps increasing eventhough many anti-zina campaings being done so far. One of the top stories of buang bayi. It happened last year. 2012.

And valentine is one of the celebration that many muslims plan to have a free sex. So by preventing muslims to celebrate such occasion might less the social ill that we are facing right now. Do understand.

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